VMware vCloud Air Virtual Private Cloud OnDemand 是 VMware 提供的安全,現收現付的雲計算服務,讓 IT 部門可以建立相容 VMware 平臺的虛擬機制,進行資源分配等等。
Virtual Private Cloud OnDemand provides on-demand resources with granular metering and usage-based billing.
Resources are pool-based, allowing deployment of virtual machines with customized configurations.
Costs are billed monthly only for the aggregate amount of resources consumed across all of your virtual machines.
On-demand resources complement the subscription services for vCloud Air.
VMware Workstation 11.1 解決的問題:
在 EFI 韌體啟動 Linux guest OS 偶爾失敗,鍵盤和鼠標無回應
Outlook 2010 執行 Unity 模式時偶爾當機
當一用戶端在兩個 Windows Ghest 複製或貼上一個文件時,使用者介面偶爾會當機
Fedora 20 guests 啟用 3D 時使用者介面 元素渲染中斷
使用 SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) 12 建立一個新虛擬機器時,不提供簡單安裝路徑