Copy keygen DI v2.0 in installation directory, by default:
C:\Program Files\Sony\Vegas Pro 11.0
8) Run keygen (Vista/7 users, run keygen as administrator)
9) In Product Name -> Select:
Sony Vegas Pro 11 (32-bits) if you have Vegas 32-bit
Sony Vegas Pro 11 (64-bits) if you have Vegas 64-bit
10) Now hit the "patch" button, in the new window, select the application's directory:
C:\Program Files\Sony\Vegas Pro 11.0
then hit the OK button, if the same window appears again, this time select the Shared Plugins folder:
C:\Program Files\Sony\Shared Plug-Ins
then hit the OK button and Wait a few seconds till the process is finished.
11) Don't close the keygen yet
8) 打開keygen (Vista/7 使用者,用系統管理員執行)
9) 選擇版本名稱
Sony Vegas Pro 11 (32-bits) if you have Vegas 32-bit
Sony Vegas Pro 11 (64-bits) if you have Vegas 64-bit
10) 點取'patch'找vegas安裝路徑 sony/
選取vegas的路徑sony/Shared Plug-Ins資料夾
11) 不要關閉Keygen程式
所以第9點的第一個視窗是 選sony/vegas
第二個視窗是 選sony/vegas/Share Piug-Ins