From Comodo Forum
"Because of an issue with the latest virus database, some computers might observe significant CPU consumption problems caused by cmdagent.exe.
You might observe this issue if your virus database version is 2525 and later. We have reverted the problematic updates. However, because of the nature of this issue, already affected computers might not function properly to revert the updates back.
For those computers, the following instructions can remediate the issue:
1 - Reboot your computer in safe mode
To enter to the safe mode, you need to press F8 button before Windows starts booting until you see the boot menu. In the boot menu, select the safe mode.
2 - Delete the file in c:\program files\comodo\comodo internet security\scanners\bases.cav
3 - Copy c:\program files\comodo\comodo internet security\repair\bases.cav to c:\program files\comodo\comodo internet security\scanners folder(this action will replace the current bases.cav file with the original bases.cav file that comes with the installation).
4 - Restart your computer and Update your virus database again.
after these 4 steps, everything should go back to normal.
"9/18是comodo internet security主程式的版本"~comodo提到,出問題是病毒碼版本2525,當你線上更新下載到2525這個病毒庫時,才會中彈。comodo internet security是預設在背景自動更新病毒庫,並不會跳視窗出來吵 ...
gilywu 發表於 2009-10-17 09:15
"9/18是comodo internet security主程式的版本"~comodo提到,出問題是病毒碼版本2525,當你線上更新下載到2525這個病毒庫時,才會中彈。comodo internet security是預設在背景自動更新病毒庫,並不會跳視窗出來吵 ...
gilywu 發表於 2009-10-17 09:15
"9/18是comodo internet security主程式的版本"~comodo提到,出問題是病毒碼版本2525,當你線上更新下載到2525這個病毒庫時,才會中彈。comodo internet security是預設在背景自動更新病毒庫,並不會跳視窗出來吵人!2525病毒庫放出更新那兩天,小弟並沒有開電腦,所以小弟並沒有中彈,而ezior kakkoii12等電腦是因為剛好帶衰去更新到2525病毒庫(virus database ver.2525)才會中彈!!根據我蒐集來的資料,comodo在災情發生的2天後便發佈解決方案了!!
comodo付費 免費軟體一律平等、積極改進,勤快改版的處理態度,真是相當令人激賞!!