本帖最後由 rictirse 於 2013-2-7 00:01 編輯
liuchinlang 發表於 2013-2-6 22:50
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\123.au3(14,31) : ...
我剛剛看過VM9 改的介面的確是抓不到子控了
所以只能使用send 去操作,但是準確度可能就略顯不足
相對的VM可以使用 comments去做操作- VMware-workstation-full-9.0.0-812388.exe Usage:
- Modes:
- /e or /extract <Folder to extract to> : Extract package contents to the specified folder.
- /l or /list : List the contents of the package.
- /p or /pack : Generate a package.
- /? or /help : Print this help window.
- Options:
- /c or /cfgfile <Path to configuration file> : Specify a configuration file to use.
- /T or /Temp <Path to temporary directory> : Specify a directory to use as a temporary extraction location.
- /S or /SearchPaths <Path(s) to search for files> : Specify a set of paths to search, in addition to the package, for files.
- /P or /Package <Path to package file> : Specify a package file to use.
- /s or /silent : Perform a silent install or uninstall.
- /nsr or /noSilentReboot : Suppress an automatic reboot after a successful silent install (does not affect installs with UI).
- /f2 or /log <Path to log file> : Specify the location of the log file.
- /d or /debug : Output debugging information to the log file.
- /V or /verbose : Enable verbose logging.
- /L or /lang <English language name> : Specifies a language to run the installer.
- /L or /lang <Localized language name> : Specifies a language to run the installer.
- /L or /lang <Three letter language abbreviation> : Specifies a language to run the installer.
- /L or /lang <Language id> : Specifies a language to run the installer.
- /z or /var <"Key"="value" pairs> : Specify a set of variables to override.
- /x or /uninst : Uninstalls the product.
- /v or /msi_args <"Key"="value" pairs> : Specify a set of arguments to pass to the MSI.
- /clean : Clean out installation registration information.
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